Hello! Here is a summary of my activities at HIVE this week.
This week's blog rewards
This week's blog reward was 4.777HBD+15.564HP HIVE POWER. Thanks to Liketu, I was able to HIVE & HBD this week as much as the previous week.
I was mistaken until recently, Author Rewards and Curation Rewards are 50-50. I guess my mind had stopped since the Steemit days, and I thought the author would get about 70%. Of course, I'm not saying that 50%-50% is not good, HIVE.blog is a system that works because of its readers, and I think it's good that more rewards go to the curators.
I am now even more motivated to save HIVE POWER.
From Splinterlands
I sold SPS and VOUHER got for staking rewards and earnd 3.5 HIVE. In order to increase this, I need to increase the amount of SPS staked. I can't afford to buy them, so I am trying to work hard in my daily battles to somehow move up to the Diamond League, but as of today I am still in GOLD II.
I usually rarely rent cards to fight. But recently I have been wondering if I should rent to move up to the Diamond League.
It is a nice update that SPS is now rewarded in Brawls (guild battles) as well.
Right now we don't have enough members to get very high ranks, but I was able to get 25 SPS for participating in two guild battles. We're hoping to get enough members to get to the top, so if you're interested in Brawls, join us! Membership & enrollment requirements are listed in the link below.
I sold $GLX and got 29hive. I had claimed once a day and look at the price to decide whether to sell or stake... The price of $GLX has dropped significantly, so I'm not sure what I'll do next week.
I've been looking into tag communities to post more things in the future. I've also been on @cleanplanet 's discord and participated in a PLANET token give-away. I'll be doing a neighborhood trash pickup soon, so I'll post more about that when I get around to it!
つい最近まで勘違いしていましたが、今はAuthor RewardsとCuration Rewardsは半々なんですね!Steemitの頃から頭が止まっていたのか、著者に70%くらい入るものだと思っていました。50%-50%でガッカリ…ということではなくて、読者がいるからこそ成り立つ仕組みだし、キュレーターに多く報酬が回るのは良いことだと思います(いまさらw)。HIVE POWERを貯めるモチベーションもさらに高まりました。
$GLXを売却して29HIVEになりました。一日に一度Claimして、値段を見て売却するか、ステークスするか判断していましたが… だいぶ$GLXの価格が下がってしまったので来週はどうしようかな。